






















1. 头部按摩:按摩师会使用轻柔的手法,按摩头部的重要穴位,缓解因长时间工作、生活压力导致的头痛、失眠等症状。

2. 肩颈按摩:针对肩颈部的肌肉紧张和疼痛,按摩师会采用深层次的按摩手法,帮助放松肌肉,改善血液循环。

3. 背部按摩:背部是人体的重要部位,也是疲劳和压力的主要聚集地。按摩师会通过推、揉、捏等手法,缓解背部肌肉的紧张和疼痛。

4. 腿部按摩:长时间的站立或久坐,容易导致腿部疲劳和水肿。按摩师会采用专业的按摩技巧,帮助改善腿部血液循环,缓解疲劳。

5. 足底按摩:足底是人体的重要反射区,按摩师会通过刺激足底穴位,达到全身放松的效果。



1. 颈部按摩:针对颈部肌肉的紧张和疼痛,按摩师会采用专业的按摩手法,帮助放松颈部肌肉,改善颈椎问题。

2. 胸部按摩:胸部按摩可以促进血液循环,改善乳腺增生等问题。

3. 腰部按摩:腰部是人体的重要支撑部位,按摩师会通过按摩腰部穴位,缓解腰痛、腰肌劳损等症状。


1. 环境优雅:杭州的桑拿场所,无论是内部装修还是外部景观,都充满了艺术气息和优雅氛围,让人身心愉悦。

2. 服务专业:杭州的桑拿场所拥有一支专业的按摩师团队,他们技艺精湛,能够根据顾客的需求提供个性化的按摩服务。

3. 设施齐全:杭州的桑拿场所设施齐全,从桑拿房到按摩室,从休闲区到餐饮区,一应俱全,满足顾客的各种需求。

4. 个性化体验:杭州的桑拿场所注重个性化体验,从预约到服务,从环境到设施,都力求为顾客打造一个专属的舒适空间。














四、杭州世茂 Marcos Hotel 桑拿中心

杭州世茂 Marcos Hotel 桑拿中心位于杭州市江干区,地处繁华的商务区。这里设施齐全,环境优雅,是您养生休闲的好去处。

世茂 Marcos Hotel 桑拿中心提供中式按摩、泰式按摩、精油按摩等多种按摩项目,以及面部护肤、足疗等服务。这里的按摩师经验丰富,技艺精湛,能够为您带来一场高品质的养生体验。








1. 简单易学:推背按摩手法简单,容易上手,无需特殊设备。

2. 安全有效:推背按摩无副作用,对身体健康有很好的促进作用。

3. 适用广泛:推背按摩适用于各种年龄段的人群,尤其适合办公室一族、长时间站立或久坐的人群。


1. 准备工作




2. 推背按摩手法





3. 注意事项














1. 头部按摩,舒缓疲劳


2. 桑拿约茶,享受静谧时光


约茶3. 茶文化,品味人生








1. 报销范围:根据杭州市基本医疗保险政策,参保人员在定点医疗机构接受按摩治疗,且按摩项目属于医保报销范围内的,可以申请医保报销。

2. 报销比例:按摩治疗的报销比例根据不同情况有所不同。一般而言,按摩治疗费用纳入医保报销的部分,报销比例为70%。

3. 报销限额:按摩治疗的报销限额根据不同病种和治疗方法有所不同。具体限额标准可咨询当地医保部门。

1. 参保人员需在定点医疗机构接受按摩治疗。

2. 治疗结束后,凭医保卡、身份证、按摩治疗费用发票等相关材料,到医保部门办理报销手续。

3. 医保部门审核报销材料,符合条件的,将报销费用直接划拨至参保人员的银行账户。

4. 参保人员收到报销费用后,可在规定时间内到医保部门领取报销发票。


1. 普通按摩治疗:参保人员在定点医疗机构接受按摩治疗,治疗结束后,可立即办理报销手续。医保部门审核通过后,一般在30个工作日内将报销费用划拨至参保人员的银行账户。

2. 特殊情况:如参保人员因特殊原因无法在治疗结束后立即办理报销手续,可按照以下规定申请延期报销:





1. 参保人员在选择按摩治疗机构时,务必确认该机构是否为医保定点医疗机构。

2. 参保人员在办理报销手续时,需确保提供的材料齐全、真实、有效。

3. 参保人员在治疗过程中,如遇到医保政策调整,应以当地医保部门发布的最新政策为准。

4. 参保人员在报销过程中如有疑问,可咨询当地医保部门或定点医疗机构。









1. 环境优雅:SPA内部环境整洁、舒适,每个房间都有独立的空间,让人感受到隐私和宁静。

2. 茶艺表演:在品茗过程中,专业的茶艺师会为客人表演茶艺,让人在欣赏茶艺的同时,更好地体验茶文化的魅力。

3. 个性化服务:根据客人的需求和体质,技师会为其量身定制养生方案,确保每位客人都能得到最佳的养生体验。

4. 专业团队:SPA拥有一支专业的养生团队,从技师到管理人员,都经过严格的选拔和培训,确保为客人提供高品质的服务。

品茶5. 优惠活动:SPA经常推出各类优惠活动,让客人以更实惠的价格享受到高品质的养生服务。






1. 技术精湛:相较于女性按摩师,男性按摩师在力量和手法上更具优势。他们经过专业的培训和实践,掌握了各种按摩技巧,能够根据客户的需求提供个性化的服务。

2. 严谨认真:男性按摩师在服务过程中,严谨认真,注重细节。他们会全面了解客户的身体状况,为客户制定合适的按摩方案。

3. 安全可靠:专业男按摩师在服务过程中,注重保护客户的隐私,严格遵守职业道德,让客户感受到安全、放心的服务。


1. 中医推拿:中医推拿是根据中医理论,运用手法技巧,对人体的穴位进行刺激,以达到疏通经络、调整气血、增强体质的目的。专业男按摩师运用中医推拿技法,可以帮助客户舒缓疲劳,改善亚健康状况。

2. 瑞典按摩:瑞典按摩是一种以瑞典学派为基础的按摩技法,注重肌肉的舒展和放松。专业男按摩师运用瑞典按摩技法,可以帮助客户缓解肌肉紧张,消除疲劳。

桑拿3. 针灸按摩:针灸按摩是将针灸与按摩相结合的一种技法,通过刺激穴位,调整气血,达到舒缓疲劳、保健养生的目的。专业男按摩师运用针灸按摩技法,可以帮助客户改善体质,增强免疫力。

4. 足疗按摩:足疗按摩是通过刺激脚底的穴位,反射性地调整全身机能的一种按摩技法。专业男按摩师运用足疗按摩技法,可以帮助客户舒缓疲劳,改善睡眠质量。


1. 个性化服务:专业男按摩师会根据客户的需求和身体状况,为客户提供个性化的按摩方案,确保客户在舒适的环境中享受按摩服务。

2. 贴心关怀:在服务过程中,专业男按摩师会关注客户的感受,及时调整手法和力度,让客户感受到贴心的关怀。

3. 专业售后:杭州专业男按摩师提供完善的售后服务,如在按摩结束后为客户讲解保健知识,提醒客户注意生活习惯等。








1. 环境布置


2. 汉服体验


3. 按摩养生


4. 茶艺文化



1. 文化传承


2. 独特的体验


3. 健康养生






















1. 桑拿房:场所内设有多种桑拿房,包括干蒸、湿蒸、芬兰浴等。不同的桑拿方式,可以满足不同顾客的需求。在桑拿房中,高温蒸汽能帮助人体排出毒素,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉疲劳。

2. 按摩区:场所内设有专业的按摩区,提供中式、泰式、瑞典式等多种按摩服务。技艺娴熟的按摩师,根据顾客的身体状况和需求,运用不同的按摩手法,舒缓疲劳,放松身心。



1. 清洁:专业的美容师会根据顾客的肤质,选择合适的洁面产品,进行深度清洁。清除皮肤表面的污垢和油脂,让肌肤呼吸畅通。

2. 去角质:美容师会使用温和的去角质产品,帮助顾客去除老化角质,使肌肤更加光滑细腻。

3. 护肤:根据顾客的肤质,美容师会推荐合适的护肤品,进行护肤护理。补水、保湿、美白、抗皱等多种护肤项目,让肌肤焕发青春光彩。

4. 面部按摩:美容师会运用专业的按摩手法,对面部进行按摩,促进血液循环,缓解疲劳,提升肌肤弹性。


1. 专业团队:场所拥有一支专业的服务团队,包括桑拿师、按摩师、美容师等。他们经过严格培训,技艺精湛,能够为顾客提供高品质的服务。

2. 个性化定制:根据顾客的需求,场所可以提供个性化的服务方案,让顾客在享受服务的同时,感受到家的温馨。

3. 安全卫生:场所注重卫生安全,定期对设备进行清洗消毒,确保顾客在舒适的环境中享受服务。







1. 培训课程丰富多样


2. 实践机会充足


3. 师资力量雄厚




1. 桑拿前的准备


2. 桑拿过程中的放松


– 呼吸:深呼吸,将注意力集中在呼吸上,感受空气在肺部的流动。
– 肌肉放松:从脚开始,逐渐向上至头部,有意识地放松每一块肌肉。
– 想象:闭上眼睛,想象自己置身于一个宁静的环境中,如海滩、山林等。

3. 茶后的舒缓




But the time to take it out is just right. Fortunately, after the second wave of monomer attacks, several people can just move to the front wall. Several people have once again seen Posena.

The speed of six people suddenly accelerated by 3%, and the people in front of them did not expect the attack and made mistakes as soon as they predicted it.
More than a dozen people have predicted that six people will be targeted at the front for an instant to stop six people from moving forward and surround and kill six people in the center.
As a result, the speed of six people soared, and their attacks naturally fell.
Group bondage!
But the rapid movement of six people also allows six people to enter the range of some special skills.
One of the twelve teams, a coldfaced mage, stepped forward and raised his staff in one fell swoop.
夜网论坛The six people move very fast, but this mage is definitely a master of hiding things. When his staff is raised, a large piece of rattan suddenly appears at the feet of the six people.
The enemy hid in the crowd and cast a spell. The attack disappeared again. Six people were tricked as soon as they got there.
Good catch them!
attack! Force attack!
Kill them in one breath!
Twelve teams are all happy to see this.
I have to say that the strength of these six people is really too changeable.
They are all masters, and their strength is far beyond that of ordinary players, but nearly 70 people think they can surpass those six people, but few of them.
For themselves, they are besieged by seventy masters, even if they can’t support one round, but the other side is almost hopeful of escape!
But bound by rattan, they will kill each other if they want an attack.
If you are ready to talk to me, you should grab more fruits of life and see which one grabs more. Remember first and then make plans!
The glorious god of war saw six people caught by bondage and gave them a fierce look.
The body is dispersed!
Capturing the wild leopard girl by bondage will disperse the group for the first time.
The faint blue light appeared from six people, but the rattan was still dispersed in the wild leopard girl group. It was effective, but the rattan was reduced for two or three seconds and could not be completely lifted.
I can’t help it. She’s a combat priest. The dispelling skills are too weak.
Players around naturally know this before they dare to sentence six people to death.
You still have what means to hurry up, otherwise everyone will be dead. The blood paladin sank and shouted, and Chen Mo and others found that he was the first to come out from the rattan bondage.
Sister, this guy can dispel the negative state by himself. It’s almost impossible to live!
See blood paladin said so, the rest of the people also embarrassed to pack.
The wild leopard female body is also a flash of light, and she walks out of the bondage and follows closely behind the blood paladin. Posena’s black rune flashes and the rattan automatically shrinks back.
Zach, the assassin, moved his body and left a phantom illusion. He himself came out and got rid of the shackles of rattan.
The fire wind is the fire, and the rattan catches fire as soon as it appears, and it is destroyed by a fire.
Sister, these people are hiding all kinds of means and don’t want to wait for others to save them. When they see others, there is really no means to save them, so they can find their own way.
Chen Mo, I’m sure that even if the blood paladin didn’t resist all the attacks in the first wave, several people here wouldn’t die, or they wouldn’t have walked out of it so easily.
Shaking his head, Chen Mo moved his body to make the blood shadow teleport skills escape from the bondage of rattan.
In fact, six people got rid of the rattan bondage almost at the same time, and when six people got rid of the rattan bondage, more than 20 attacks fell to their bound positions at the same time
Did you miss again?
The players around are all stunned.
They all didn’t expect six people to get rid of the shackles of rattan so easily. If it is one, it will be enough. The problem is that these six people have resisted several attacks and should be almost right.
However, these six people seem to have exhausted all means. Up to now, twelve teams have attacked several waves, but they have not caused any harm to the six people.
Of course, everyone knows that it is because these six people have the first shield knight in the game.
Group bondage!
But let everyone think that there is another person in the crowd who has developed group restraint skills.
* * I hate the profession of mage!
Hit by a shadow attack again, six people are bound again. Zach can’t help but hate to scold a way.
Under normal circumstances, six people will never be caught by the control skill of group bondage.
But now, surrounded by dozens of people, six people are trying to escape from the encirclement, and it is easy for experienced wizards to predict.
Don’t attack, even if you predict six people, you can reverse the prediction and then avoid it, but there is not much way for six people with shadow skills
I’ll do it, but this is my last killer skill. I can’t do anything after this trick. This trick can give us a chance. If you don’t seize the opportunity to kill more people, everyone is ready to die together!
The wild leopard girl looked at the crowd and suddenly debuted.
Perhaps half of these six people can escape the shackles this time, but the remaining half can’t escape.
In this case, the wild leopard girl decided to kill the killer skill.
Speaking, the staff in her hand was replaced by a black knight hammer.
Knight hammer!
A few people were dazzled at the moment, but when you look closely, it’s true. It’s a knight hammer!
Fight with a knight’s hammer, reverend
It’s the first time for anyone to see so many people present!
earth hammer!
The wild leopard girl holds up the black knight hammer in her hand and drinks it lightly. The volume of the black knight hammer instantly soars tenfold and becomes an amazing knight hammer!

They didn’t forget that more than an hour ago, this guy was alive and let the flame threeheaded wolf evolve and fly away. It’s not surprising that he did something they didn’t understand.

Variation of King Slim’s HP by 5%!
Chen Mo before!
Unified capture failed!
no! Mutation boss is really not so good to catch, and there is a great possibility of failure!
The third capture failed, and Chen Mo had a hunch that he would fail the fourth time!
Make the capture skill player have a strange feeling. Chen Mo feels that he is like throwing a noose to the king of mutant Slim, but this noose was easily earned by the king of mutant Slim and broke free. There is no feeling of being stuck.
Three times is this feeling for the fourth time. Even though the blood volume of boss is about to drop, Chen Mo feels that it will not change. By the fifth time, boss had already died.
What should we do?
Boss still has a little blood, and the silence has a sharp turn of mind.
Chapter 55 BOSS younger brother! (please recommend! )
Is there any way?
The success rate of capturing skills is different in strength and spirit. Players can resist even if they know their eyes, but Chen Mo is different. He also has the title of * * going against the sky, which is extremely sinful!
Chen Mo doesn’t know how much his strength and spirit will increase by 1 point at the same time, but his attributes will definitely increase exponentially!
The problem is that it takes three days to take off the title of the most heinous crime. He will turn black and return to El Town, and naturally he will leave the novice village.
After level 1, players will go to Ayr Town to find np, choose to participate in talent trials or send them directly to the three main cities at random. After wearing the title of heinous crime, Chen Mo will have to wait for three days.
Even if you wear the title of the most heinous crime, it is another chance to capture the boss as a younger brother.
Gambling or not?
Chen Mo is not an indecisive person. If he doesn’t succeed in three days, he will only delay one or two grades at most. Unlike other players, he doesn’t need to upgrade desperately. If he succeeds, he can catch a mutant boss as a younger brother!
I’m afraid I can’t find a better opportunity to catch the mutant boss and do the younger brother’s work except this time!
Come on, boss is dying, all skills are going to it!
A group of master players, such as the wind and rain in the small building and the cold stream, are all excited.
This is the mutant boss, and in their eyes, it is only natural to kill the mutant bossboss explosion, and then go to the forum to announce that it is fame and fortune!
If you are ready to grab one, you will be developed! Players around are also eager to make preparations for the 100meter sprint.
What’s going on? That guy is so black!
At this moment, the wind and rain in the small building still don’t forget to stare at Chen Mo, and then his pupil can’t help but shrink suddenly
It’s no different from ordinary players. Masked players give off a strong black smell when they rush to the front of boss!
夜生活kill! Kill the boss! I’ve never seen a vision before, and I have a bad feeling, and I’m worried about the storm in the building.
Boss, there is still 1% blood!
Around a large group of players rushed out of the small building, wind and rain, cold and small streams and other master players are also desperate to output.
King Slim gave an unwilling roar and a wail of impending death.
A large number of attacks are thrown at King Slim, and if these attacks fall on him, he will die.
But at this moment, everyone felt that hundreds of people attacked at the moment and suddenly fell together!
Boss…… … disappeared at the end!
What’s going on?
A large group of ordinary players who are ready to grab things all stop and look around looking for boss!
It was him who attacked the masked man!
A face of sven building wind and rain gave a roar!
It’s him again
Yes, he could see clearly that the masked man rushed to boss with a wave of his hand, and then King Slim disappeared!
Black players! This guy is a black player!
Kill him!
Boss disappeared in the small building, and the wind and rain roared. A large group of players finally noticed a black Chen Mo, and then someone screamed.
They don’t know that this masked man will become a black player, and they don’t know that there will be black players in the pk novice village.
However, when I saw the black player and knew that the black player was likely to have a lot of extreme things, these players could not help but attack.
In a flash, a large number of attacks hit Chen Mo like a boss.
It worked! Don’t waste his wearing the title of the most heinous crime!
Chen Mo was ecstatic.
Ha, ha, ha, you want to kill me!
Look at the boss younger brother attribute. Chen Mo looked at the sky and attacked and laughed.
Wind speed dodge!
King Slim roared!
In a flash, the silence shines, the wind speed dodges and King Slim growls, two skills that can increase the movement speed, plus Windrunner shoes and the title of the most heinous crime. The movement speed limit of Chen Mo has reached an astonishing 24 points in one fell swoop, which is more than twice that of ordinary players!
And although there are many attacks on Chen Mo, they are all the most basic longrange attacks with no tracking and locking ability.

Lindegren also ran to Qin Xiong with a big smile on his face.

The more they played in the training match, the more excited they felt.
Qin Xiong saw Bukhari’s goal with a deep sigh of relief. When the opponent came running, he extended his left hand and the opponent gave a high five, then turned and walked towards the backcourt.
The yellow teammates in the backcourt smiled, and even the defenders recognized Qin Xiong because he was full of sense of presence in defense.
The red team is completely blown up here!
3: backward!
And the scene is not dominant!
It seems that their own strength has suddenly dropped a lot, which should not be the strength of their opponents. Those players of the Yellow Team were still far behind them last week, but now their opponents can ride on their heads and take a shit and pee!
They are all white Qin Xiong!
After Rick Link told the yellow team players about Qin Xiong’s core requirements, the overall strength of the yellow team seemed to be rising and surpassing the red team, and then it occupied an overwhelming advantage, not only in terms of teamwork, but also in terms of selfconfidence, excitement and fighting spirit.
Fan Jiaer praised him without stint on the sidelines. The yellow team applauded and took the initiative. Freddie wanted to know more about Qin Xiong.
In the final stage of the game, the red team was in ruins.
Qin Xiong gave the organization a big hand to restore selfconfidence and find the right position for Lindegren himself? Go to the front!
Before the end of the game, Lindegren made the most wonderful game, and Qin Xiong thought so.
Qin Xiong was found accurately from a long distance in the backcourt and just right.
Qin Xiong took advantage of his 1.7meter height and physical confrontation to doubleteam him in Vermaelen, Yilmaz. He first stopped the ball on his back and chest, and then slammed the ball from behind with his left heel when he turned around.
The rainbow has passed people!
The ball flew over Yilmaz and Vermaelen’s head. When Vermaelen turned around, Qin Xiong blocked him with his back. Qin Xiong stopped the ball headon and then moved forward.
Poor little moisander rushed to intercept him, but he was blocked by Qin Xiong in physical confrontation. He fell to the ground as weak as his goalkeeper brother.
Qin Xiong didn’t shoot, but pushed the ball across Babel to the door easily when goalkeeper moisander came too close to the near corner of the goal.
[Text First Contract]
Thank you for your reward!
Static analysis of a team’s comprehensive strength is of little significance, because whether the team’s strength depends on the game or on the honor score.
Some teams are luxurious but always perform poorly in actual combat, while others seem to have average strength but can achieve impressive results in the League Cup!
The actual combat strength of a team must fluctuate at different times. Today, it may be good or bad, and even the most stable team will have subtle differences.
This is because the actual combat strength of the team is a combination of hard power and soft power.
Hard power is the static analysis of the individual strength of the players, which constitutes the overall basic combat effectiveness of the players in this team.
Soft power is more complex, including the battle environment, away combat effectiveness, such as the state, such as whether the technical and tactical play tactics are compatible with the team’s onthespot tactical execution, the head coach’s formation and improvisation, and so on.
Today’s training match is obvious. The red team is stronger than the yellow team.
However, the yellow team clearly defeated the red team in soft power bonus.
Qin Xiong’s core has built a clear offensive and defensive body, and the offensive and defensive thinking is clear and reasonable. The team’s offensive and defensive also maintains a balance and becomes more fluent in operation.
At the end of the game, the score was staggering. 4: The yellow team also suppressed the red team in the final stage!
Fan Jiaer Rick Link can’t help Qin Xiong applauding!
Qin Xiong showed them!
Not only do you play well, but you can also help your teammates improve their performance in the game and make the halfcourt team cohesive!
At the end of the training match, the players of the yellow team smiled and the players of the red team were angry!
Especially Moppes Yilmaz’s whole halftime 2 minutes was a disaster for them, and was humiliated by that foreigner again and again!
Qin Xiong walked slowly to the sidelines, and some teammates of the yellow team would come over and pat him on the arm, smile or nod, or compare thumbs frankly like Buhari.
Qin Xiong responded calmly to these temporary teammates. When he walked to the sidelines, he went straight to Rick Link and asked, Can I stay here?
Rick Link turned his head and Fan Jiaer smiled at each other. He held out his right hand and smiled. Of course, we welcome you to join us. Let’s talk in the office.
Fan Jiaer said to Qin Xiong, Well done, young man. I look forward to your continued efforts here. Believe me, you will have a bright future here.
Qin Xiong smiled and nodded with excitement when he heard that he had passed the trial. I believe that I belong to myself and I will fight it back by myself in the future.
Fan Jiaer ha ha a smile to hear Qin Xiong so straightforward and natural declaration he is very appreciate.
Then I went to Rick Link’s office. Rick Link first poured Qin Xiong and Freddie two glasses of water, then sat behind the desk and asked, Do you have an agent?
Qin Xiong was stuck with a glass of water.
He didn’t think about the agent. It’s normal for players to have agents.
spa会所Rick Link was secretly happy to see Qin Xiong’s expression, because of course he didn’t want Qin Xiong to have an agent. How wonderful it would be if all Ajax players didn’t have an evil agent!
But he woke up Qin Xiong out of kindness.
The average player’s agent is either his own relative or a professional with a broker qualification certificate. If you need a broker, you can let your relatives take it, which is recognized by fifa.